A silly little game (very loosely) based around Judaeo-Christian (but mostly Christian) mythology. I think. It's definitely a fan game and it definitively falls well within the purview of the jam. I'm a big fan of Satan, after all (I was listening to Aphrodite's Child's('s's's) 666 while making it, if that helps). Enjoy.

It's quite primitive as far as these kinds of things go; I mostly made it to see what one could do on bitsy. Turns out, you can do quite a lot of things with it.

Oh, and there's some nudity in there, somewhere. You might also want to turn down your volume. Enjoy. Again.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withbitsy


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(1 edit)

there can only be one.

Edit: This game SUCK BOL

Edit 2: Thanks for the likes


The pixel-art and writing are impressive! This was a very cool submission.


no eyes looks hella ominous. I like it